Skelzies is a popular New York street game. Premium version. The essence of this game is as follows: a field is drawn on the asphalt using chalk (or paint) on which “boxes” with numbers from 1 to 12 are placed in a special order. Box number 13 - in the center. Placing their chips near the start line, the holly rummy players must one by one go through all the boxes, kicking their chips with their fingers. The winner was the one who was the first to complete all the boxes, from 1 to 13. You can play this game with players all over the world, or offline on one, say, tablet. The game has several design options, a level system and fairly simple controls.CPU---Android OS4.0Open GL---Free Space 12.72 MBAndroid TVNoGamepad SupportNoInternetYesEnglish languageNoHow do we get this dataWhats newSecurity update (AIR SDK update).Update history-- ---
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